TM1py: Time Series Forecasting

The first step you should complete before actually stepping through this code is to install all required dependencies. Assuming you already have Anaconda installed, you'll only need to install TM1py. To do this run the following command:

pip install TM1py

You'll also need to install pystan and the facebook Prophet time series package. To do this run the following commands:

pip install pystan
pip install fbprophet

Step 1: Import the required modules

Before stepping through the process there are a number of modules that need to be imported. This model relies heavily on Pandas for data manipulation and transformation and TM1py for interacting with the TM1 API.

In [1]:
#import tm1 service module
from TM1py.Services import TM1Service
#import tm1 utils module
from TM1py.Utils import Utils
#import pandas
import pandas as pd
#import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#inline plotting for matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
#import statsmodels package
from fbprophet import Prophet

Step 2: Setup your TM1 parameters

TM1 Server Parameters

Populate your TM1 server parameters below. In this example the script is connecting to the local server and 8882 for the HTTP port.

In [2]:
#Server address
address = 'localhost'
#HTTP port number - this can be found in your config file
port = '8892'
user = 'admin'
password = 'apple'
#SSL parameter - this can be found in your config file
ssl = True

Step 3: Get TM1 Data

The following code obtains a data set from TM1 based on the cube and view specified above. The resulting dataset is transformed into a pandas dataframe for statistical analysis.

For more on pandas and dataframes check out this pandas tutorial.

Before importing any data, create the view you would like to import into the data frame. Populate the fields below.

In [3]:
#specify the cube
cube_name = 'Retail'
#specify the view
view_name = 'Time Series'

In [4]:
with TM1Service(address= address, port=port, user=user, password=password, ssl=ssl) as tm1:
    # Extract pnl data from specified cube view
    raw_data = tm1.cubes.cells.get_view_content(cube_name=cube_name, view_name=view_name, private=False)

    # Build pandas DataFrame fram raw cellset data
    df = Utils.build_pandas_dataframe_from_cellset(raw_data, multiindex=False)

Step 4: Time Series Forecast with Prophet

In [5]:
ts = df
ts['Date'] = ts['Year'] + '-' + ts['Period']
ts['Date'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(ts['Date'])
ts = ts.rename(columns={'Date': 'ds',
                        'Values': 'y'})

Rather than looping through each region and product within the data set, the following cell creates a subset of data to forecast. If you'd like to forecast for an alternate region/product combination this is where you're able to make the change by subbing out Region 13 and Product 315.

In [6]:
region = '13'
product = '315'

sub = ts[ts['Region']==region]
sub = sub[sub['Product']==product]

In [7]:
sub_model = Prophet(interval_width=0.95)

<fbprophet.forecaster.Prophet at 0x23812241748>

In [8]:
#specify the number of future periods
future_dates = sub_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=24, freq='MS')

In [9]:
forecast = sub_model.predict(future_dates)
forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail()

ds yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper
55 2018-08-01 115.676169 108.099447 123.245252
56 2018-09-01 117.624557 109.524479 125.498587
57 2018-10-01 121.015638 112.628860 129.697264
58 2018-11-01 124.491953 115.375530 134.142216
59 2018-12-01 126.283804 116.638105 136.223047

In [10]:



Step 5: Send the data back into TM1

In [11]:
#Combine the forecast dataframe and our original subset
sub = sub.set_index('ds')
forecast = forecast.set_index('ds')

In [12]:
result = pd.concat([sub, forecast], axis = 1)

In [13]:
#fill out other dimensions
result['Version'] = result.Version.fillna('3')
result['Currency'] = result.Currency.fillna('Local')
result['Region'] = result.Region.fillna(region)
result['Product'] = result.Product.fillna(product)
result['Retail Measure'] = result['Retail Measure'].fillna('Sales Amount')

#make ds accessible
result = result.reset_index()
result['Year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(result['ds']).year
result['Period'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(result['ds']).month

In [14]:
with TM1Service(address= address, port=port, user=user, password=password, ssl=ssl) as tm1:
    # cellset to store the new data
    cellset = {}
    # Populate cellset with coordinates and value pairs
    for index, row in result.iterrows():
        cellset[(row['Year'], row['Period'], 'Forecast', row['Product'], row['Currency'], row['Region'],row['Retail Measure'])] = row['yhat']        
        tm1.cubes.cells.write_values('Retail', cellset)